SOLD OUT! The KING LIVES!! Elvis is in the building! Kraig Parker's international award-winning tribute to Elvis Presley, a truly authentic and tasteful world-class show that has astonished audiences for over 20 years. His powerful voice, electric stage moves, and tasteful charisma has left fans "All Shook Up" and screaming for more! The combined styles of love songs, blues, gospel, country and rock pleases Elvis fans and audiences of all kinds. Entertainment industry critics have frequently exclaimed their praises and admiration for the talented and professional performances that this transformative tribute brings forth. For Elvis fans of all ages, Kraig Parker is more than an impersonator, he brings the ultimate Elvis experience!
Amore Napoletano will be on site to purchase delicious dinner, and there will be plenty of wine for sale at the bar. Food and wine are sold separately. This event is held at the Lost Oak Winery Event Center. Ages 21+ only. This event is from 7:30-9 pm, doors open at 6:30pm to get seated and enjoy dinner.
SOLD OUT - Get your tickets HERE before it sells out! * Tickets are non-refundable.
Kraig has performed world-wide in major arenas and top venues from the United States to the U.K., France, Canada, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. He has received countless top reviews from news media and radio personalities. He has won many performance awards over the years, including the Elvis Extravaganza in 2005 and 2007. He has also headlined shows on the strip in Las Vegas. His performances have thrilled audiences at concert venues, festivals, special events, nightclubs, casinos, performance halls, and even cruise ships. He has even crooned while accompanied by major symphony orchestras - the Phoenix Symphony, Detroit Symphony, Mississippi Symphony, Ft. Worth Symphony, Pacific Symphony, Buffalo Symphony, and Yakima Symphony.